Opening night last night.
I was a little nervous for everyone involved. Not that I needed to be, as I knew that all the people involved in this production are approaching it with the utmost concentration, professionalism and a huge dollop of talent.
It's been a manic week so far. Get-in on Sunday went well enough that we had a run-through on Sunday night. Albeit with a few finishing touches for the set still pending.
Monday we carried on and finished the set, whilst Jonathan (our fantastic lighting guy, borrowed from Runnymede Drama Group) set about focussing the lights. Then in the afternoon, Jon and I worked out the lighting plot, after which Tim, the sound-man, arrived and we ran through the lighting cues and worked out the order of events for the opening and closing of each act.
Then the tech rehearsal on Monday night. It went extremely well. If you've ever attended a 'tech' you'll know how stressful they can be. But we were finished by 21.30, and that was after running Act 1 cues twice and Act 2 once.
All that preparation meant that the Dress Rehearsal on Tuesday was a breeze. A perfect performance from all concerned. Though we also spotted a couple of places where the lighting plot could be tightened up and we re-worked the end of Act 1 as it wasn't flowing well at 'full-speed'.
So, last night it was all down to everyone else. My job is done. Though I doubt that will stop me sneaking backstage and giving a few helpful notes to try to improve things further. And to pep up those actors who need a boost of confidence.
I daren't post a review here myself. I'm far too biased. But I think it's a fabulous production; the credit for which goes to all those people on-stage and behind the scenes when the show is running.
If you miss it, you'll have missed out on a treat!