Wednesday 30 May 2007

Nearly There

We open in one week's time. Which is nice, because the show is definitely now ready to open.

Last night's rehearsal was excellent. The entire cast really buckled down and concentrated on what they were doing. Entrances and cues were picked up quickly. Concentration levels were excellent. And all of them are still finding more and more depths to their characters.

One more rehearsal before get-in.

I can't decide what we will do on Thursday night. Part of me wants a repeat of last night's 'performance'. While it was excellent, there were 2 or 3 tiny glitches - nothing serious, a couple of hesitations over lines, which I know they will be able to ad-lib around on the night - but it would be good to see another run with NO glitches

On the other hand, I'm now certain that the show is in as good a shape as an amateur show could be and part of me wants the cast to have some fun with this, so we might do a speed-run and play some games instead...

I may end up leaving the decision to the group. The most impressive thing about this cast has been their willingness to work hard. On occasions I've given them the choice between working on and finishing early and they've opted for working. This is by no means the usual reaction! Drama is, after all, a hobby for us all, and in many shows people would be saying "well, it's good enough, now let's get to the pub". I'm incredibly lucky to be working with a group for whom "good enough" cuts no ice. They all want this show to be perfect.

Having said all of that, the number of tickets sold so far is a little on the low side. Which is a shame as these actors have slogged their hearts out to produce a great show, and they deserve as large an audience as possible to see it.

So, pick up the phone, dial 01932 702091 and order some tickets for yourself and your friends.

Whose Life Is It Anyway?

6th - 9th June, 2007 at 7.45pm.

Tickets £10 (concessions £8)

Rhoda McGaw Theatre, Woking.

Thursday 17 May 2007

3 Weeks To Go

Just under 3 weeks actually. And then we'll be under way.

Today we start rehearsing on Thursdays, in addition to the Sunday and Tuesday that we've been doing for the past several weeks. That gives us 6 rehearsals before we get into the theatre and things become really nerve-wracking!

Though, actually, I'm not really that nervous. The cast have all been nearly word perfect for a couple of weeks and they have all been putting more and more depth into their characters as time has gone by.

We've still got a couple of bits of technical blocking to work out (now that we've actually got a bed we can use in rehearsals!) and we've got the sound and lighting plots to nail down (which will hopefully happen this coming Sunday), but so far I am very happy with the way it's all going.